Op. 333 Usha’s Canadienne Wb

Usha's Canadienne glass artwork by Roger V Thomas


Usha’s Canadienne

Glass panel 19″ high x 23″ wide.
Frame 30” high x 36” wide.

This one “took a longer path than usual” as my office manager is fond of hearing me say. I had decided to make a peculiar old yellow opal work as the background for a tree-lined landscape. What happened instead was the yellow was pushed further and further behind other glass until everything had been tinted over except the now flaming trees. The piece so reminded me of the Canadian impressionist Group of Seven that I felt I had to (humbly) reference them.

The clients, who own a family-run cable company, specifically requested the frame. They asked me to include the “tension” elements of a suspension bridge in the design.

Photo credit Bill Bachhuber.


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